
Rhubarb Lemonade

... is very good, but might not be for everyone. Responses have varied from "hot dam; hit me again!" to "I never asked you for that recipe, Charlie Brown". Either way, there's just one way to find out, and it's not that tricky to make.

1 quart diced rhubarb
1 quart water
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice/concentrate
dice the rhubarb. (if you like, here's where you can set aside a few pieces of crisp rhubarb to float in the drink once it's made.) put the rest of the diced rhubarb and water in a big pot & bring to a boil. cut/reduce heat, cover, and simmer ~10 minutes until very tender.
strain off pretty pink juice. I run it all once through a colander, and then a 2nd time through cotton cheesecloth. put the colander in a big pot or bowl. pour in the rhubarb mixture. you can use a big spoon to mash it until the juice goes through the cheesecloth into the bowl. add sugar & lemon juice, stirring until dissolved. then add a little more water/ice to taste. cool and chill before serving.
a real-nice refreshing summer drink. as with most things, I usually like to double the batch.
posted by English

1 comment:

jo said...

this sounds delicious. and rhubarb is such a cool color. I'm going to have to get my hands on some fresh rhubarb and give this a try.